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The Purpose Driven Life

Author: Doug Fields
Our Price: $20.00

Availability: In Stock

      This is a 5 week downloadable message transcript series.

      Included in this file are 5 Microsoft word documents containing the full word-for-word message transcripts and student outlines.

      Nobody wants to go through life as a loser with no direction or purpose.

      We were created with a purpose and a God-given longing to fulfill that purpose.

      Use this series to help your students discover their purpose in life and how to fulfill it.

      Week 1: The World's Greatest Relationship Do I want to be influenced by people who love me conditionally or by a person who loves me no matter what? Do I want to be comforted by people who try to sympathize with me or by the person who has experienced everything I have? Do I want a happiness based on temporary situations or lasting joy? Do I want to be understood by people who do their best to know me or by the person who created me? If your students want to learn about a relationship of lasting joy and unconditional love with their creator who has been through everything they have, they need this message.

      Week 2: Making The Right Connections Everybody wants to belong to a group where they are accepted, where they fit in.

      We will often go to great lengths and pretend to be someone we're not just to get this acceptance.

      Belonging is good and fills a need in us, but since the group we're in will shape our behavior and attitudes, we need to choose our groups wisely.

      This lesson will help your students see the role belonging plays in their lives as well as how to recognize when a group is headed in the wrong direction.

      Week 3: Where Do I Go To Grow? “Truth” is not a very popular word these days; in fact, there are hordes of people who claim there is no such thing as an absolute truth.

      Some of these people are even preaching that your way is good for you and my way is good for me.

      This moral relativism leads to problems when people try to find their own brand of truth in drugs, sex, and other destructive behavior.

      This lesson helps your students see the need to search out the truth and the benefits it will bring.

      (And don't worry; it doesn't actually use the term “moral relativism.

      ”)Week 4: The Search For Significance Why does God want us to discover our significance? Well, because He knows what's best for us, and He wants us to have it.

      He chooses to work through people, He created you with a unique mission and the personality and gifts to accomplish it, and He will eventually judge our actions.

      Why should your students want to discover their significance? Because they don't want to look back on their lives and realized they just wasted their time.

      Week 5: The World's Greatest Party Fortunately for those of us youth ministries who can't play the guitar or carry a tune, worship does not just mean singing.

      Real worship, worship with your whole life, is a passionate dedication to something.

      Unfortunately, that worship is often given to something or someone who doesn't deserve it.

      When your students learn how to worship God in spirit a

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